
Read motivating stories from our professionals

There are two categories of exercise that many people have heard of: anaerobic and aerobic. Weight training is associated with anaerobic, which is a type of exercise that doesn’t require as much oxy

It seems like fitness goals can be broken down into two major categories: losing weight or gaining weight. For the lucky few who are naturally too skinny, it can be a challenge to bulk up and add some

The new year brings many failed goals each year. Nobody wants to be part of the majority of people who don’t reach their resolutions, but nevertheless, most people drop off at some point during the

Some people claim that they can feel their age when they hit 30. They start to complain about back problems or a slow metabolism. Around age 30 is when your body begins a very gradual decline in its a

Motivation is tricky. If you don’t feel the urge to hit the gym, you can’t just go to the store and buy more motivation. Some people seem to have the secret to keeping themselves on track, but if

Exercise and nutrition go hand-in-hand, no matter your fitness goals. Food is the fuel for your workouts, and your workouts push your body to grow and adapt. Without one or the other, it can be hard t

Fasting is a popular weight loss method, likely due to its simplicity. Intermittent fasting is perhaps the most popular at the moment. There are other types of fasts that have gained popularity over t

Your thyroid is a small glands in your neck that produce hormones. It has a butterfly shape wraps around your windpipe. For such a small gland, it plays a big role in your physiology. The thyroid prod

It’s ironic that January and February are some of the busiest months of the year for gyms, considering that winter makes people sluggish. Short days and long, dark nights make you drowsy early. Oppr

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