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Why I Shut Off Viewing Likes on Instagram

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

This rings particularly true in the context of the modern social media landscape, where much of the fitness world unfolds.

The Impact of Social Media Metrics Often, the metrics of likes, views, and follows allow us to create comparisons with others. I’ve experienced this first-hand. This weekend, I was at a bachelor party with friends from the fitness world who have tens of thousands of followers on Instagram. Their posts explode with engagement.

Despite having about 1,500 followers myself, I decided to shut off the feature that allows viewing other people’s likes. Since then, my relationship with social media has never been healthier.

I have much to be proud of—I’ve run a successful business in New York City for almost 13 years, I employ a team of eight, maintain a solid work-life balance, and my business continues to grow. However, comparing your achievements to those of others can rob you of the joy found in your own accomplishments.

The Power of Writing Down Achievements Whenever I feel down about not being where I think I should be, I take out a piece of paper and jot down a few of my accomplishments. This simple exercise helps shift my focus from comparison to reflection on my own growth.

Focusing on Personal Fitness Goals This principle applies well to fitness goals. When maintaining a consistent workout routine, it’s important to focus on your personal progress rather than comparing yourself to others. Remember, there will always be someone who can lift more or do more pushups, but your focus should remain on your own growth.

Reflect on Your Achievements So, I encourage you—stop reading this email, grab a piece of paper, and write down three things you have accomplished in the last year. Ready, set, go!

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