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Say F*ck It To Cooking But Still Eat Healthy

Even though a lot of folks love to cook, many hate it. Others just don’t have the time to cook.

If you are someone who doesn’t like to cook but still wants to be healthy, you need to have a plan. 

Over the last 3 months, my wife and our head of nutrition, Samantha has been working 1-on-1 with a member of ours, Kerri.

Kerri is a single mother and works full-time. She wishes she could cook more but just simply doesn’t have the time. Kerri has tried every diet in the book from low carb to Weight Watchers.  The diets always started off okay but in the end Kerri put all the weight back on.  

Kerri started with our 2023 Fall Slim Down Program and was able to create great results. Here are a few things she said about the program.

“I worked with Samantha starting with a 4-week group nutrition jump start in the fall. I had been gaining weight slowly but surely over the last 2 years since going into menopause and nothing kept my weight steady, much less down.  

Unbelievably, I lost 5 pounds and 2+% body fat in a month while living my typical hectic life as a single mom with long work hours, there were several corporate events and a (very) festive family trip over a long weekend during this time period — I was shocked and thrilled at the results!  

So much so that I signed on for 1-1 coaching. That proved to be perfect for me to get recommendations on how to make healthful choices while on-the-go, ordering in/grabbing takeout/eating in restaurants.  I got actionable, easy-to-integrate recommendations that are helping to set me up for my new healthy lifestyle.  My weight loss has continued, and I’m excited to be getting in the best shape of my life at 50+ thanks to Samantha!”

At TS, we have designed an E-book that takes cooking out of the equation and allows you to make healthy choices, whether dining or ordering in. We have selected some of the most popular foods that you will see on menus and provide strategies on how to select not just healthy, but tasty options.  

And perfect for busy New Yorkers, we have also designed a list of great-tasting and healthy ready-made foods that you can pick up at Trader Joe’s.

If you’re interested in leveling up your nutrition but think you’re too busy–we have the program and the resources for you. Click the link to get more information.

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