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Strength Training For Healthy Aging

Some people claim that they can feel their age when they hit 30. They start to complain about back problems or a slow metabolism. Around age 30 is when your body begins a very gradual decline in its ability to build muscle and perform at a high level.

Thankfully, this decline is irrelevant as long as you take care of yourself. It gets harder to build muscle as you enter your 30s, but only slightly. If you’re not at your absolute potential of muscle building then you’re absolutely capable of putting on more muscle.

It gets even harder to put on muscle after you hit your 60s, but the same principles are true. If you’ve been neglecting strength training, a dedicated weight lifting program can help people aged 60 and over build more muscle than they currently have.

Interestingly, more elite athletes are having long careers in their respective sports. As the fitness industry gets more advanced, people are better able to care for their bodies with proper training and nutrition. In other words, age isn’t fully to blame for declines in health and physical function as you age.

There’s a lot you can do to stay healthy as you get older. Since it’s harder to put on muscle mass as you age, it’s important that you start as soon as possible. A basic strength training routine will do the trick, just make sure that you have a coach to teach you the proper form.

Building muscle is one of the most important things for maintaining overall health as you age. Strictly speaking from a health perspective and excluding any thought of vanity, bigger muscles often translate to a longer and healthier life.

Muscles boost your metabolism and help you avoid type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, excessive weight gain, and other metabolic issues. When you’re stronger you have faster reactions and better balance, which help you avoid clumsy falls that become more dangerous as you age.

Weight training is often better at building strong bones than activities like walking or running. Plus, the stronger you are, the lower your risk for injury from day-to-day tasks.

Heart health is also important. Taking care of your cardiovascular system helps you live longer, and it was previously thought that aerobic workouts were the key to a long, healthy life. More recent research suggests that weight training can give you the best of both worlds.

For example, one study found that people who trained on a rowing machine versus lifting weights had similar increases in aerobic capacity. This means that your cardiovascular system gets stronger when you lift weights, not just your muscles. Get in the gym as soon as you can and build muscle, your older self will thank you!

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